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ترجمه های درخواست شده - lover.girl

زبان مبداء
زبان مقصد

2 درحدود 2 - 1 نتایج
زبان مبداء
این درخواست ترجمه "فقط معنی" می باشد.
انگلیسی two weeks later someone stole the neclece in...
two weeks later someone stole the neclece in spite of the security cameeras and the guards..everyone in the museum vaÅŸ a possible
suspeçt but in tthe in the eyes of the polsiç paul was the most likely one .the necklace disappeared only two weeks after started working there and thiş was very unusual for the museum .
ne anlatmak istediginin açıklanması türkçeye çevrilmesi

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